I am excited to be participating in the Affect Inquiry/Making Spaces Conference (Aug 8-11) hosted by Capacious Journal. My paper, titled ‘diffracting autotheory,’ extends my current research in impersonal agency and posthuman affectivity, smeared across the terrain of autotheory. In coupling diffraction and autotheory, I hope to elucidate alternative modalities of subjectivity predicated on affective entanglement. You can find the full abstract below.

Katie Dyson and I are putting together a roundtable on ethics in and around the academy. In particular, we’re seeking short presentations that address the ethics of our investments in the disciplinary, methodological, pedagogical, and institutional structures of the academy. How might we reimagine the academy? You’ll find the full cfp below.

This week, I begin teaching a core writing class centered around digital composition and contemporary issues (broadly conceived). Having not taught this course since Fall of 2015, the syllabus and schedule went through a nearly wholesale rewrite. Even now, I wonder if it’s doing the work of tracing conversations about technology and the present that I envisioned it doing. You can find a copy of the course schedule here.

I recently reviewed Stacy Alaimo’s Exposed over at ASAP/J. The review focuses on Alaimo’s utilization of art and activism that foregrounds the trans-corporeal nature of subjectivity and embodiment. By interweaving geo- and biopolitical concerns into her theorization of the anthropocene, Alaimo’s work ‘reorients attention to the seemingly mundane political and aesthetic practices of co-inhabitation that shape humans and their environments.’ You can find the review here.

The good folks over at Real Life Mag were kind enough to let me write about Grammarly, fungible subjectivity, and becoming no one. The essay explores our capitulation to optimization/augmentation apps, which ultimately subordinate content to form, effectively rendering the user as anyone – the faceless subject of neoliberalism. You can find it here.